Look1: ‘Informe’ I’m formless, unrefined, grappling with confusion and uncertainty about my aspirations and necessities.
Look 2: ‘Attirée’ I’m impacted by various influences, drawn to trends and the achievements of others.
Look 4: ‘Emportée’ Pushed by rules and obstacles, I glance back, sensing a loss of self.
Look 5: ‘Perdue’ I’m engulfed by others’ expectations and what I must accomplish.
Look 6: ‘Enveloppée’ I am drowned by others’ opinions and influences.
Look 7: ‘Remodelée: I’m endeavoring to reshape myself and allowing time for reorganization.
Look 8: ‘Apparaissante: I strive to reveal what I’ve always kept concealed.
Look 9: ‘Dans sa peau’ It’s always been within me, beneath the surface, yet I’ve never delved deep within.
Look 10: ‘Visible’ I can see it now, and I’m ready to reveal it to the universe.
Look 11: ‘Dans sa peau 2’ The essence always resided within me, hidden beneath the surface, until now I’ve finally gazed deep within. It’s now unmistakably clear.
Look 12: ‘En forme: I am in shape.
Look 13: ‘Cocon: Despite feeling unsatisfied, I take pride in my journey, even if it leads me back to a cocoon of introspection and perhaps temporary depression.
Look 14: ‘Mise en scène’ From cocoon to butterfly, emerging transformed and renewed.
Look 16: ‘Cadence’ I’m dancing to my own rhythm.
Look 17: ‘Quiétude’ Peace of mind attained.
Look 18: ‘Solennelle’ I embody individuality through my unique journey and experiences, regardless of any similarities in the end. I am simply human.